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um livro, um podcast e uma viagem à terra prometida


"Abro-te Meus Caminhos: Contos-diários do Meu Primeiro Sertão Da Caatinga" é um livro digital e um podcast de seis episódios, lançados em 2020. 


A narrativa nasce dos diários que completei ao longo de 2019, quando desaventurei-me pelos interiores de mim e de Canudos/BA.


Por 260 dias de 2019, abriguei-me em roças, desaprendi coisas, aprendi outras e guardei o que pude em meus diários. Refiz-me em uma jornada especial pelas Caatingas, ancorada e orbitante em torno de Senhora Jaguar, com quem morei em Canudos/BA: uma Terra que chamo de Prometida. 

A reunião dessas memórias virou "Abro-te Meus Caminhos": um livro digital repleto de fotos e acompanhado de um podcast, estilo audiobook, com trilha sonora original de Igor Visentin e sons captados em minhas próprias andanças pela região. 



Tem vontade de ouvir o relato íntimo e delicado de uma menina-moça que viajou com sua mochila por nove meses em torno de Canudos/BA e região, vivendo com famílias locais e entregue às surpresas do Fluxo. 


Gosta de relatos de viagem, mesclando poesia, diário e contemplação da alteridade.


Tem interesse pelos sertões, sobretudo o de Canudos/BA. 


E quer viajar sem sair de casa! 


Quer fazer um livro, um podcast ou algum registro a partir de suas experiências e busca referências.


Era uma vez uma Terra Prometida a um Homem Que Andava.

Na Terra Prometida, cabe Todo O Mundo e Todo O Sonho.

Todos os dias, há quem tente destruir a Promissão.


Mas os destruidores não sabem, ou não se lembram, que a Terra Prometida vai além de um pedaço de Chão Dourado: pois que a Promessa é um Estado De Espírito que pulsa dentro dos Seres Despertos.




The Enchantment of the Paths of Lia

While I was reading Lia's writings, I was thinking about how much the names point the way, reveal secrets to us. But you have to know how to read, read behind, read through, and here, as another gift, read and listen, verbs so despised lately. And Lia, while I read, kept making these forbidden invitations to me: to read and listen to her wanderings through the Sertão.

I write inspired by the voice of the author, who narrated her diaries – chapters of a series in podcast format –, and also by the beautiful images of the online version, and her writing with capital letters emphasizing their importance. I'm talking about “I open you to my paths: Daily Tales of My First Sertão da Caatinga”, a digital book and audiobook by Lia Rezende Domingues, recently released by La Petite Ferme in São Paulo. And where we are invited to share his intimacy through his reflections over the months of a first trip through the Sertão.

The other day I heard from a historian that the opposite of life is not death, which brings mystery and our greatest transformation towards the unknown. The opposite of life is the loss of Enchantment. Based on this image, idea, principle, logic, Lia can now think of living forever based on her writings. Everything there is Enchantment, starting with the names of the characters she crosses paths with, in fact the main character in her diaries. The path of transformation, the end of a cycle to start a new life, a path of initiation. Go into adulthood? If you recover from a broken heart, from lost illusions, and find out why you're here, or maybe a big goal in life? Or just open yourself to the Enchantment of that same life, which will accompany you all the way ahead.


Read full review of Leticia Coura on Philos Magazine

Lia dances alone in the wind

by Luis Osete – reader comment

March 17, 2021

Lia wants to be Free and Walk, like the Man Who Walked wanted to be and went on pilgrimage to the Promised Land. At the Portal of Promission, they settled their affections. He, in 1893, with the freed, excluded, marginalized. She, in 2019, with those who insisted on completing a Wet Walk That Had No End. Both camped Solitudes, cultivated Resiliences, established Comprehensions, breathed Impermanences, built Saudades and returned to their Intimate Companies. They also heard, on the banks of Alegria, the Always New Breath of the Everyday Light: This Land Calls You, Trust. This Earth Loves You, Fia...


It was the wind from there, it was from there that it arrived. It was the wind of Iansã, dominator who slept in the arms of the morning and woke up. And, upon awakening, we entered Ventania. We are in the house of Senhora Jaguar, with our eyes burning like perpetual fire, shaking Maracás and Esperanças, strumming Rosaries and Mirações, chanting Canticles and Changes, nourishing Dreams and Protections, consecrating Rapés and Archeologies in the last year of agglomerations and transits of our lives. It is from there, from Porta Azul leaning against Algaroba Do Terreiro, that the many Lias depart for Sambar...


Sambar in Brota dos Pirilampos, in Fundo de Pasto, in Cidade da Pedra Bonita, in the Capital, in Porto do Povo Preto, in the Cachoeiras do Velho Chico, in Litoral dos Cajueiros, in Serra da Santa Cruz, in Chão do Descarrego, in Águas of Rio, in the Celestial Constellations, on the Two Sides of the Window. And that one in an almost non-existent shade of blue, blue that doesn't exist. Blue that is pure memory of somewhere. From Samba somewhere to the hesitant tracing of written lines, Lia introduces a Mental Time in a Succession of Steps and inaugurates the Report. The footprint of the Foot is the footprint of the Hand…


The only thing you can see and hear is this Samba with the Heart*. Only the Heart encourages us to read and listen to the narratives written by Lia in My Paths are Opened: Daily-tales of my first Caatinga Backlands Season allows us a relaxed receptivity so that the words traced and spoken are incorporated into the lived experience as a transmitted experience. In each diary, the exact records of the hours print the most precise rhythmic form of the Heart. Each Character is a beat on the Pulse of Time. Each Sound Wave is a step in the strange and difficult Process of the Heart…


In the resonance of the coronary vibrations, I summon Professor Jorge Larrosa* to expand the meanings of Lia's sayings, this inscription established in the ex-position of a corporeal existence, finite and incarnated in space-time. Larrosa says that the Subject of Experience, whether as a Territory of Passage, Place of Arrival or Space of Happening, is defined by its Passivity, Listening, Receptivity, Openness. Passivity made of Passion, Suffering, Patience, Transformation. The Lia Que Nos Write is the clear expression of experience and, anchored in the impossibility of the Eternal Fixed, elaborates a singular knowledge in the precious sensation of being So Without Knowing So Much. I hope the wind blows outside...


Wind of Silence blowing the Path in Reading, the Path in Writing, the Secret in Memory, the Death of the Instant in Permanence of the Event. Right there, on the banks of the Promissão River, widened into a dam to flood the tracks of the Sacred Village of the Man Who Walked. Lia updates us on the news of the Deluge, from the Hotel Mais Chique da Rua to the Little Room outside Casa da Senhora Jaguar. It is on the limitless horizon that she sings the place where Silence is formed*. The evocative soundtrack by Igor Visentin, punctuated with nostalgic chords and sound traces of the Andanças, has the feat of making Canto even more Canto, Silêncio even more, Gente really, awesome*.


May I learn, Lord and Lady, to practice Silence and remain Firm in the face of the Will to Prove Myself to Others..., prays the Girl Who Walked in her last prayer. He goes down to Minas smelling of freedom, back to his company, like someone who unearths a new world in the experience of language. The pages of the Digital Book close, the Silences of the Podcasts are established, and many flowers open in Whistles of Love...


Lia who went to Sambar Só Na Ventania is now the arrival point of Mulher Na Travessia…




*1 Excerpt from the song Vento de Lá, by Roque Ferreira;

*2 Excerpt from the song Vento de Lá, by Roque Ferreira;

*3 Excerpt from the song Trem das Cores, by Caetano Veloso;

*4 Reference to a passage from the bookThe Little Prince, by Saint-Exupéry;

*5 Reference to the book &Tremors: writings about experience, by Jorge Larrosa;

*6 Reference to the prose poem The Word That Heals, by Alejandra Pizarnik;

*7 Reference to a passage from the book Grande Sertão: Veredas, by Guimarães Rosa.

"My Paths are Opened"

by Yago de Bem

January 17, 2021

I begin this text by establishing that: writing about someone else's memoir manuscripts is a complicated task. In this case, there are no criteria to be considered and judged, such as plot, character development and outcome. There is no story; just history, and this is not evaluated, it is appreciated. That's why it's important for everyone to know that I read and heard “My Paths are Opened” with the eyes of someone who has already traveled an immense distance, but for whom the sertão seems like a world of fiction.


At the outset, I think it's important to point out that Lia has a unique writing style, which, I dare say, reflects a lot of her own orality, with very peculiar choices, but very well placed, in terms of construction and vocabulary. Her characteristic that marks me the most and that I most appreciate is when, in writing – outside the field of speech –, Lia makes very interesting uses of the upper case, breaking explicit norms with almost Saramago freedom. This style in no way affects the rhythm of the text, but it brings new meanings and cannot be perceived by the narration since it is inherent to the role.


About his memoirs, I had already heard part of the reports and I abstained astonished, not finding any comments to make in the face of a story that I found so great. Reading his writings is a very pleasant task: the reports are beautiful and the writing is delicious. Furthermore, I contradict myself in parts to say that, despite the bibliographical and epistolary character of these writings, there is, yes, character development: Jaguar. Lia develops throughout her writings the construction of her relationship with the sertaneja lady and the love that blossoms; we left “my little girls from Minas Gerais”, passed by “daughter” and flowed into an emotional farewell.


I think it is relevant, however, to comment on what I missed. Despite having reports of difficulties in the sertão, such as lack of running water and abuse of the financial market, there is no comment on what is happening. Here, we enter a very personal context, but I am one of the young people who believe in the need for specific cuts. Lia may not be interested in this point, making it clear at a certain point in her writing that she did not want to “commit to such complex matters”. It is by no means a demerit, but when you are a fan of Jorge Amado literature and his denunciations, you miss that bias.


Lia gives us a text with great sensitivity, Truth and Heart (with a capital letter, please note) and is not intimidated by us accompanying her on her most diverse journeys. The girl from Minas Gerais recounts her trajectory with great deference and affection, and does not hesitate to reveal moments of doubt and the need to re-energize herself in order to return to that land that did not give birth to her. After all, it is a text very much about discoveries, first-times and emerging spirituality. Path worth reading, sharing and walking. “Go back to Earth, Fia”. 

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